The Client_QuickStartAdv_Cpp application is a platform independent application that provides functional examples of many different functional aspects of the XStream® HDVR® SDK. When started, the Client_QuickStartAdv_Cpp application presents the user with a text based menu of options for loading datasets using different loading techniques supported by the XStream HDVR SDK. After a dataset is loaded a second menu is presented offering a range of different options that implement many different features of the XStream HDVR SDK. Each time a menu option is selected and executed, an image will be rendered and saved to disk showing the result of the operation.
The Client_QuickStartAdv_Cpp application requires that the server be executed from the /APIs/Binaries/64-bit or /APIs/Binaries/32-bit directories. The 'Run custom loading function' and 'Custom server algorithm' options require the version of the server implemented in the /Examples/Server_ServerApp_Cpp directory.
The following is an outline of the different example options supported by the Client_QuickStartAdv_Cpp application.
Dataset Loading / Fusion Menu
Load DICOM dataset: An example of how to load a DICOM dataset using the IServerContext::LoadDicomDirectory() method. For more information on DICOM loading, see the Loading DICOM Files section.
Load RAW dataset: An example of how to load a RAW dataset using the IServerContext::LoadRawFiles() method. For more information on RAW dataset loading, see the Loading RAW Files section.
Run custom loading function: An example of how to load a dataset using a user-defined server-side custom loading function. For more information on custom loading functions, see the Custom Loading Function section.
Render 2D fusion: An example of how to render a 2D fusion image from two separate datasets. For more information on 2D fusion, see the 2D Fusion section.
Render 3D fusion: An example of how to render a 3D fusion image from two separate datasets. This feature requires the 256 transfer function version of the XStream HDVR SDK.
Exit: Exits the application.
If the Load DICOM daatset option is selected the user will be presented with a second menu listing many other demonstration options.
XStream HDVR SDK Feature Menu
Apply region selection segmentation: An example of how to apply segmentation using the IVolumeSegmentationContext::FreeHandCut() method. For more information on region selection segmentation, see the Segmentation chapter.
Apply region growth segmentation: An example of how to apply segmentation using the IVolumeSegmentationContext::Segment() method. For more information on region growth segmentation, see the Segmentation chapter.
Iterate render modes: Demonstrates output from each render engine type. For more information on render modes, see the Rendering Modes page.
Streamed rendering: Demonstrates streamed rendering using the IRenderEngineContext::RenderStreamed() method. For more information on streamed rendering, see the RenderEngineContext vs. RenderQueue page.
Build vertex call list object: An example of how to programmatically build an IVertexCallListContext object. For more information on mesh construction, see the Mesh Construction page.
Build indexed vertex call list object: An example of how to programmatically build an indexed IVertexCallListContext object. For more information on mesh construction, see the Mesh Construction page.
Volume mesh extraction: Demonstrates how to convert all or part of a dataset into a polygon based IVertexCallListContext object using the IPolygonUtilContext::ExtractPolygons() method. For more information on volume to mesh extraction, see the Volume Extraction page.
Mesh colorization: An example of how to apply transfer function colors to an IVertexCallListContext object. For more information on mesh colorization, see the Mesh Colorization page.
Image file texture mapping: Demonstrates how to apply an image file as a texture map to an IVertexCallListContext object. For more information on mesh texture mapping, see the Texture Mapping page.
Render engine texture mapping: Demonstrates how to apply the output from a render engine as a texture map to an IVertexCallListContext object. For more information on mesh texture mapping, see the Texture Mapping page.
Custom server algorithm: Demonstrates how to register and execute a user-defined server-side custom data analysis algorithm. For more information on implementing a custom server algorithm, see the Custom Server Algorithm page.
Restart: Restarts the application from the top level data loading menu.
Exit: Exits the application.
The Client_QuickStartAdv_Java application is a platform independent application that provides functional examples of many different functional aspects of the XStream HDVR SDK. When started, the Client_QuickStartAdv_Java application presents the user with a text based menu of options for loading datasets using different loading techniques supported by the XStream HDVR SDK. After a dataset is loaded a second menu is presented offering a range of different options that implement many different features of the XStream HDVR SDK. Each time a menu option is selected and executed, an image will be rendered and saved to disk showing the result of the operation.
The Client_QuickStartAdv_Java application requires that the server be executed from the /APIs/Binaries/64-bit or /APIs/Binaries/32-bit directories. The 'Run custom loading function' and 'Custom server algorithm' options require the version of the server implemented in the /Examples/Server_ServerApp_Cpp directory.
The following is an outline of the different example options supported by the Client_QuickStartAdv_Java application.
Dataset Loading / Fusion Menu
Load DICOM dataset: An example of how to load a DICOM dataset using the hdrcServerContext::loadDicomDirectory() method. For more information on DICOM loading, see the Loading DICOM Files section.
Load RAW dataset: An example of how to load a RAW dataset using the hdrcServerContext::loadRawFiles() method. For more information on RAW dataset loading, see the Loading RAW Files section.
Run custom loading function: An example of how to load a dataset using a user-defined server-side custom loading function. For more information on custom loading functions, see the Custom Loading Function section.
Render 2D fusion: An example of how to render a 2D fusion image from two separate datasets. For more information on 2D fusion, see the 2D Fusion section.
Render 3D fusion: An example of how to render a 3D fusion image from two separate datasets. This feature requires the 256 transfer function version of the XStream HDVR SDK.
Exit: Exits the application.
If the Load DICOM daatset option is selected the user will be presented with a second menu listing many other demonstration options.
XStream HDVR SDK Feature Menu
Apply region selection segmentation: An example of how to apply segmentation using the hdrcIVolumeSegmentation::FreeHandCut() method. For more information on region selection segmentation, see the Segmentation chapter.
Apply region growth segmentation: An example of how to apply segmentation using the hdrcIVolumeSegmentation::Segment() method. For more information on region growth segmentation, see the Segmentation chapter.
Iterate render modes: Demonstrates output from each render engine type. For more information on render modes, see the Rendering Modes page.
Streamed rendering: Demonstrates streamed rendering using the hdrcRenderEngineContext::renderStreamed() method. For more information on streamed rendering, see the RenderEngineContext vs. RenderQueue page.
Build vertex call list object: An example of how to programmatically build an hdrcVertexCallListContext object. For more information on mesh construction, see the Mesh Construction page.
Build indexed vertex call list object: An example of how to programmatically build an indexed hdrcVertexCallListContext object. For more information on mesh construction, see the Mesh Construction page.
Volume mesh extraction: Demonstrates how to convert all or part of a dataset into a polygon based hdrcVertexCallListContext object using the hdrcPolygonUtilContext::extractPolygons() method. For more information on volume to mesh extraction, see the Volume Extraction page.
Mesh colorization: An example of how to apply transfer function colors to an hdrcVertexCallListContext object. For more information on mesh colorization, see the Mesh Colorization page.
Image file texture mapping: Demonstrates how to apply an image file as a texture map to an hdrcVertexCallListContext object. For more information on mesh texture mapping, see the Texture Mapping page.
Render engine texture mapping: Demonstrates how to apply the output from a render engine as a texture map to an hdrcVertexCallListContext object. For more information on mesh texture mapping, see the Texture Mapping page.
Custom server algorithm: Demonstrates how to register and execute a user-defined server-side custom data analysis algorithm. For more information on implementing a custom server algorithm, see the Custom Server Algorithm page.
Restart: Restarts the application from the top level data loading menu.
Exit: Exits the application.
The Client_QuickStartAdv_Net application is a platform Microsoft Windows application that provides functional examples of many different functional aspects of the XStream HDVR SDK. When started, the Client_QuickStartAdv_Net application presents the user with a text based menu of options for loading datasets using different loading techniques supported by the XStream HDVR SDK. After a dataset is loaded a second menu is presented offering a range of different options that implement many different features of the XStream HDVR SDK. Each time a menu option is selected and executed an image will be rendered and saved to disk showing the result of the operation.
The Client_QuickStartAdv_Net application requires that the server be executed from the /APIs/Binaries/64-bit or /APIs/Binaries/32-bit directories. The 'Run custom loading function' and 'Custom server algorithm' options require the version of the server implemented in the /Examples/Server_ServerApp_Cpp directory.
The following is an outline of the different example options supported by the Client_QuickStartAdv_Net application.
Dataset Loading / Fusion Menu
Load DICOM dataset: An example of how to load a DICOM dataset using the hdrcServerContext::loadDicomDirectory() method. For more information on DICOM loading, see the Loading DICOM Files section.
Load RAW dataset: An example of how to load a RAW dataset using the hdrcServerContext::loadRawFiles() method. For more information on RAW dataset loading, see the Loading RAW Files section.
Run custom loading function: An example of how to load a dataset using a user defined server-side custom loading function. For more information on custom loading functions, see the Custom Loading Function section.
Render 2D fusion: An example of how to render a 2D fusion image from two separate datasets. For more information on 2D fusion, see the 2D Fusion section.
Render 3D fusion: An example of how to render a 3D fusion image from two separate datasets. This feature requires the 256 transfer function version of the XStream HDVR SDK.
Exit: Exits the application.
If the Load DICOM datset option is selected the user will be presented with a second menu listing many other demonstration options.
HDVR® SDK Feature Menu
Apply region selection segmentation: An example of how to apply segmentation using the hdrcIVolumeSegmentation::FreeHandCut() method. For more information on region selection segmentation, see the Segmentation chapter.
Apply region growth segmentation: An example of how to apply segmentation using the hdrcIVolumeSegmentation::Segment() method. For more information on region growth segmentation, see the Segmentation chapter.
Iterate render modes: Demonstrates output from each of render engine type. For more information on render modes, see the Rendering Modes page.
Streamed rendering: Demonstrates streamed rendering using the hdrcRenderEngineContext::renderStreamed() method. For more information on streamed rendering, see the RenderEngineContext vs. RenderQueue page.
Build vertex call list object: An example of how to programmatically build an hdrcVertexCallListContext object. For more information on mesh construction, see the Mesh Construction page.
Build indexed vertex call list object: An example of how to programmatically build an indexed hdrcVertexCallListContext object. For more information on mesh construction, see the Mesh Construction page.
Volume mesh extraction: Demonstrates how to convert all or part of a dataset into a polygon based hdrcVertexCallListContext object using the hdrcPolygonUtilContext::extractPolygons() method. For more information on volume to mesh extraction, see the Volume Extraction page.
Mesh colorization: An example of how to apply transfer function colors to an hdrcVertexCallListContext object. For more information on mesh colorization, see the Mesh Colorization page.
Image file texture mapping: Demonstrates how to apply an image file as a texture map to an hdrcVertexCallListContext object. For more information on mesh texture mapping, see the Texture Mapping page.
Render engine texture mapping: Demonstrates how to apply the output from a render engine as a texture map to an hdrcVertexCallListContext object. For more information on mesh texture mapping, see the Texture Mapping page.
Custom server algorithm: Demonstrates how to register and execute a user defined server-side custom data analysis algorithm. For more information on implementing a custom server algorithm, see the Custom Server Algorithm page.
Restart: Restarts the application from the top level data loading menu.
Exit: Exits the application.