The IOctreeContext (C++) and hdrcOctreeContext (Java/.NET) ...
C++ |
#MERGE Merge/hdvr_cpp_x.html |
Java/.NET |
Placeholder for () |
C++ |
Decreases the reference count on this object by 1. If the reference count reaches 0, the object is deallocated. Implements IRoot. |
Java/.NET |
Experimental. Not ready for commercial use.
C++ |
Gets the colorization map that is applied to the dataset and returns it in the variable at address pBuffer. All returned buffers are allocated using pAlloc. Each slice of colorization information is a separate zLib compressed buffer.
C++ |
Returns an integer that represents the server side object that contains the octree. |
Java/.NET |
This is the server side representation of the object.
C++ |
Returns an array that contains a zLib compressed buffer. This buffer, when decompressed, will have one bit for every 2x2x2 subvolume in the volume if the segmentation granularity is SEG_GRAN_2X2X2 or one bit for every voxel in the dataset if the segmentation granularity is SEG_GRAN_1X1X1. In SEG_GRAN_2X2X2, a bit value of 1 will turn off that sub-volume. In SEG_GRAN_2X2X2, that bit will turn off the voxel if it was segmented using bMultiTF=H_FALSE, otherwise it will show the second transfer function. In SEG_GRAN_2X2X2, the uncompressed buffer will be ((width*height*depth)/(2*2*2))/8 bytes in size. In SEG_GRAN_1X1X1, the uncompressed buffer will be (width*height*depth)/8 bytes in size. Segmentation types: If the segmentation granularity is 2x2x2, then the only method of segmentation available is toggling 2x2x2 voxel sub-volumes on and off. If the segmentation granularity is 1x1x1, any of three segmentation techniques may be applied at once in a single scene:
As mentioned above, all three techniques can be applied simultaneously. For example, imagine a segmentatio of the heart that is as follows: On/Off segmentation is used to remove the ribs, lungs and other unrelated anatomy. Two transfer functions are applied such that the body of the hearth is semi-transparent and the three great vessels of the heart are highly opaque. Colorization is applied such that each of the three vessels are visualized using a different color (which is cross-correlated in some user interface list).
Java/.NET |
Is the octree segmented?
C++ |
Increases the reference count on this object by 1. You do not need to call this after an object is first created. It is 1 by default. Implements IRoot. |
C++ |
bVal gets H_TRUE if the dataset is segmented, H_FALSE otherwise.
Java/.NET |
bVal gets H_TRUE if the dataset is segmented, H_FALSE otherwise.
C++ |
Call this function if you wish to free server resources before disconnecting. |
Java/.NET |
Call this if you wish to free up this object on the server before disconnecting.
Java/.NET |
In 8 transfer function mode, this will set the transfer function to which free hand cut and region growing segmentation functions apply.
C++ |
Sets the current colorization index for free hand cut and region growing segmentation functions. Positive values are indices into the array you pass into SetColorizationColors(). -1 will use the second transfer function instead of these colors.
Java/.NET |
Sets the current colorization index for free hand cut and region growing segmentation functions. Positive values are indices into the array you pass into setColorizationColors(). -1 will use the second transfer function instead of these colors.
C++ |
Sets an array of colors to use for solid color highlighting. SetColorizationActiveIndex() will choose the color to use in segmentation functions. SetColorizationEnabled() must be set to H_TRUE before calling these functions.
Java/.NET |
Sets an array of colors to use for solid color highlighting. setColorizationActiveIndex() will choose the color to use in segmentation functions. setColorizationEnabled() must be set to true before calling these functions.
C++ |
Enables or disables solid color highlighting for this octree/volume data pair. Enabling this feature will consume x*y*z bytes of memory (50% of the dataset size). Note that this technique is only available if the segmentation granularity is set to 1x1x1 using IVolumeSegmentationContext::SetGranularity(). Colorization is a segmentation technique where you can replace ALL of the color values on a transfer function with a single color defined by SetColorizationColors(). This technique can coexist with the two transfer function technique described in GetSegmentationMap(). The colors are all replaced. This includes colors in the first and the second transfer function. Implementation-wise, the segmentation state for colorization is specified by a single byte per voxel. A byte value of 0 indicates that the colors on the first or second transfer function should be used as is. 1-255 will map into index 0-254 in the array of colors passed into SetColorizationColors(). To avoid requiring large contiguous buffers, each slice has its own segmentation state as a separate buffer. To avoid sending too much data across a TCP/IP channel, each buffer is zLib compressed and may be decompressed by the client using this open library if required.
Java/.NET |
Enables or disables solid color highlighting for this octree/volume data pair. Enabling this feature will consume x*y*z bytes of memory.
C++ |
Sets the colorization on the dataset to the state contained in pBuffer. pBuffer should be an array of zLib compressed buffers representing the state of a slice per buffer.
Java/.NET |
Placeholder for () Referenced by com.fovia.hdrc.interact.hdrcUndoSegmentationChange.redo(), and com.fovia.hdrc.interact.hdrcUndoSegmentationChange.undo(). |
C++ |
Applies a segmentation map retreived by either manual creation or GetSegmentationMap() to the dataset. See GetSegmentationMap() for details about this buffer. Note that the behavior of this function is undefined for a target dataset that is of different dimensions than the source.
See GetSegmentationMap for more details.
Java/.NET |
Applies the specified segmentation to the data set. Note that the segmentation should be in the same granularity as the current granularity of segmentation on this data. The granularity is set by spawning an hdrcIVolumeSegmentation from this data set.
References com.fovia.hdrc.hdrcOctreeContext.setSegmentationMap(). |
See getSegmentationMap for more details.
Referenced by com.fovia.hdrc.interact.hdrcUndoSegmentationChange.redo(), com.fovia.hdrc.hdrcOctreeContext.setSegmentationMap(), and com.fovia.hdrc.interact.hdrcUndoSegmentationChange.undo(). |
C++ |
Used for bookkeeping on segmentation state. Since segmentation can use a decent chunk of memory, it's nice to know when we really have to persist it.
Java/.NET |
Used for bookkeeping on segmentation state. Since segmentation can use a decent chunk of memory, it's nice to know when we really have to persist it.
C++ |
Update the octree after any operation that makes it invalid. The supported modes are indicated in the ENUM_UPDATE_MODE. The server will ignore the crop box as of now
Java/.NET |
Update the octree after any operation that makes it invalid. The supported modes are indicated in the ENUM_UPDATE_MODE. The server will ignore the crop box as of now
Doxygen Links
Complete details of member variables and class names are available in the source level documentation available from these links to Doxygen.
C++ |
Java / .NET |