

XStream HDVR allows OEMs in a variety of fields to deliver unparalleled quality, performance and scalability to their customers. Fovia’s proprietary platform overcomes the inherent limitations of other imaging technologies, and offers exceptional scalability with respect to multi-core configurations, processor speeds, dataset size, enterprise-wide virtualization and high resolution projection planes.

Scalable in Multiple Ways...Fovia Equals Growth!

Scale your Users with Fovia's Universal Advantages

Cloud Access, Hybrid Rendering & SDK Workflows

Harness Cloud Access...

  • Seamless cloud access and capabilities

  • Incredible rendering power available anytime, anywhere

  • Access to studies from all major cloud providers' Data Stores

  • JavaScript API that works in any web framework

  • Instant access to 3D/MPR

Utilize Hybrid Rendering...

  • Provides immediate time to first image

  • Switches between server & client rendering architectures seamlessly

  • Renders independent of network conditions/speed

  • Reduces Cloud Expenses

  • Scales compute resources with each new user

Scale with SDK Workflows...

  • Flexible building blocks that simplify workflow development

  • Multiple APIs for flexible integration options

  • 2D, MPR and 3D workflows with consistent design patterns

  • Flexible 2D/3D modules and example applications

  • Access to hundreds of advanced visualization tools

Scale your Users with Fovia's Component Advantages

Explore Fovia's Component Advantages

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Explore Unlimited Scalability...Contact Fovia Today!
